Our company practices social responsibility. We understand that all processes are human and therefore must be constantly developed and improved.
We constantly seek to practice a healthy and sustainable economy, ensuring that all our employees work in dignified conditions, meeting all legal requirements. We pay taxes in order to balance the economy as a whole. Our suppliers go through the same screening before providing service to the FP.
Culturally, we understand that working with fashion is working with behavioral habits, so we focus on carrying out actions that develop women (politically and emotionally) bringing our collaborators, clients and partners, actions such as lectures and workshops that contribute to their evolution.
Environmentally, we are committed to working with suppliers of all Brazilian fabrics and tanneries that increasingly conceive efficient products and practices linked to sustainability as a whole.
Today, the leather sector in Brazil employs more than 50 thousand workers and part of this contingent dedicates itself exclusively to actions for water recycling and proper waste disposal and process improvement, which has generated significant environmental results in the last decades. This sector (leather) in Brazil is guided by responsible management, in which the most modern technological means are used for industrial optimization, improvement of working conditions and reduction of environmental impacts (www.cicb.org.br/cicb, daily access 07/22/2019 at 10:20 am).